War & Peace (2019)

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This summer Men’s File was invited by @spiritofbritain and @blightymilitaria to attend their impressive military clothing stall at the War & Peace Revival event, which is now back at the very Kentish Hop Farm. Once again, the warring tribes of Europe and the rest of the world come together to barter goods, exchange ideas and finally do battle. How many times can we say, ‘There’s nothing like this anywhere’ and yet that remains true. The marketplace is huge and the military encampments even bigger (and increasing year-on-year). In evidence was the Japanese Imperial Army, USMC, Wahrmacht, Royal Engineers and numerous others in campaigns including Operation Overlord, the Tet Offensive and Barbarossa. If you are a collector of militaria, a hip wearer of rugged clothing or you want to see the spectacle of a small war: make sure you get an early ticket. Weekdays are far less crowed than the weekend.


Issue 21