The Latest on Masks (Product Review)

Just so there’s no confusion we should call these products ‘non-medical face coverings’. Their main job is to prevent you from breathing all over other people and, at the same time, offering you a little protection. It’s hard to say why people in the UK have resisted the wearing of face coverings – maybe it was because the British government told us they were of no use? A bit like they delayed lockdown for a couple of extra weeks (no one knows why) and probably caused the deaths of thousands and put the UK in the top two in the Western World for deaths from Covid-19. The fact is, that all the countries in Europe that got out of this pandemic with few casualties (for example: Greece with around 200 deaths by Mid-June 2020) all insisted that people wear masks in public. That’s why this magazine is behind non-medical face coverings and, naturally, we bring you the finest.

Five of the best: (Above) boro style Japanese patchwork mask by DeeCee Style. (below) A Men’s File special with our own 44 in felt lettering by Mister Miller Caps, Aloha shirt mask by Sidewinder Apparel, selvedge denim mask by Dawson Denim and a denim selection by Scott Boyd Tailoring.